• 28 JUN 24
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    3D Printing in Dentistry: Custom Crowns and Mouthguards

    3D Printing in Dentistry: Custom Crowns and Mouthguards

    At Karalee Family Dental, we are committed to staying at the forefront of dental technology to provide our patients with the best possible care. Our investment in 3D scanning and printing technology is a testament to this commitment. These innovative tools are transforming the way we approach dental treatments, offering enhanced precision, efficiency, and customisation.

    • 22 APR 24
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    Bio-Active Restorative Materials and Their Clinical Benefits

    Bio-Active Restorative Materials and Their Clinical Benefits

    Bio-Active Restorative Materials (BARMs) represent an innovative advancement in dental technology, offering a new dimension in restorative dentistry. Comprised of bioactive components, these materials are designed to interact with the oral environment, promoting healing and remineralization while providing robust clinical applications. In Australia, BARMs have been gaining traction for their versatility and significant clinical benefits

    • 22 MAR 24
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    The Link Between Oral Health and Dementia

    The Link Between Oral Health and Dementia

    In recent years, the connection between oral health and overall well-being has taken center stage in healthcare discussions. Emerging research is uncovering an intriguing link between dentistry and dementia, shedding light on how oral health may influence cognitive function and the development of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Numerous studies have

    • 22 FEB 24
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    Creative Ideas for Encouraging Kids’ Oral Health During the Holidays

    Creative Ideas for Encouraging Kids’ Oral Health During the Holidays

    The holiday season is a time of joy and excitement, especially for kids. Amidst the festivities, it’s essential to keep their dental health in check. Encouraging good oral habits can be fun and engaging, making it an enjoyable experience for children. Here are some creative ideas to promote kids’ oral health during this cheerful season:

    • 25 SEP 23
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    Understanding Orthodontic Appliances: Beyond Braces

    Understanding Orthodontic Appliances: Beyond Braces

    When we think of orthodontic treatment, traditional braces often come to mind. However, modern orthodontics offers a diverse range of appliances beyond braces to correct teeth and jaw alignment issues. Here are six innovative alternatives that cater to different needs and preferences. 1. Clear Aligners Clear aligners have revolutionized orthodontic treatment. These transparent, removable trays

    • 25 AUG 23
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    Dental Care for Different Life Stages: Tips for Every Age

    Dental Care for Different Life Stages: Tips for Every Age

    Maintaining optimal dental health is a lifelong commitment that evolves as we journey through different stages of life. From childhood to old age, each age group faces unique challenges and requirements when it comes to dental care. Here are three tips for each age cohort to ensure a healthy smile at every stage.

    • 30 JUN 23
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    Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Smile

    Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Smile

    Most of us will have the importance of good oral health drilled into us from a very early age by parents or guardians but as we get older and busier in day-to-day life, there is always the temptation to rush or completely miss certain processes that contribute to good oral health. This could be a

    • 28 MAY 23
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    The Benefits of Cone Beam Machine for Wisdom Teeth and Implants

    The Benefits of Cone Beam Machine for Wisdom Teeth and Implants

    A cone beam CT scan provides much more information than a conventional dental x-ray and enables the dentist to formulate a more detailed treatment plan. There are a number of advantages of using the cone beam machine for wisdom teeth and implant procedures which include: accurate imaging – the dentist can provide a tailored treatment